During a routine
visit with my doctor, I asked him what the secret was to getting off
the prescription medicine merry-go-round. I was taking 11 different
prescription medicines (insulin being the most critical), and also
was using a prescription gel on the joints of my fingers, for a
handful of well-known common old-people diseases (excuse my sarcastic
humor). Most of my family, friends, and others in my
general age group were on the same merry-go-round.
He said my problem
was that I was a meat-eater.
I reminded him that
it was HIS diabetes clinic just a few years before that hammered down
my throat meat, meat, meat (aka protein). I had been a strict
vegetarian for a dozen years or so (initially sparked by rage from my
too many PETA film viewings), and was diagnosed with diabetes in
2011. I attended several classes and workshops, but not after
enduring that horrifying 15 long minutes in the nurse's office for my
first self-injection (with saline solution). [That 15 minute period
was one of the most difficult in my life.] Veggies and cheese …
lots and lots of cheese. That had been my diet.
He said their
problem was that THEY were meat-eaters.
He pulled a small
sheet of paper from the top of his cabinet and asked me to read it.
It was a quote from Bill Clinton, regarding his dramatic change in
health. I told him that I would not believe Bill Clinton if he stood
in front of me dripping wet with lightning coming through the windows and he said it was raining outside. But I read the quote, anyway.
The long & short of it: The China Study
I read it. It
changed my life.
In a matter of just
over a year I went from a 40” waist at 189 pounds, with a 13.1 A1C
and meter readings of 150+, and no energy …. to a 29” waist at
129-130 pounds, 5.2 A1C and meter readings of 68-to-80. I have so
much energy that I easily hit my daily goal of 15,000 steps and
usually get around 21-22K. My Fitbit tells me I burn between 2,800
and 3,100 calories a day!
Oh yeah … last
year my doctor removed me from all prescriptions. I have 3 conditions that would have required surgery but
I opted for medicine instead, so for decades I took medicines. I
never had any of the surgeries, but none of the problems bother me at
all now. Blood tests and X-rays show the physical conditions still
exist in my body … but I never notice anymore. The best thing is
NO MORE PRILOSEC twice a day!!! Yeah!!!
The hardest thing to
give up was cheese.
I am not on a diet.
I changed my life by rethinking the concept of nutrition.
What is
the relationship between nutrition and a healthy body? A body that
functions efficiently? I think of the body like we think about
machines … cost vs efficiency. We do not like to waste time or
money on non-efficiency. So I redesigned my attitude about
nutrition. I have a whole long conversation about nutrition.
In a nutshell, this
is what I did: Almost everything I buy is a raw ingredient. I eat
nothing at all of any kind that came from an animal or insect. I
avoid processed foods or ingredients. Palm sugar vs high fructose
corn syryp … guess! I ditched white rice and white bread. Black
rice (superfood), brown rice, and wild rice. Whole wheat bread is
In no particular
order, these are the main inputs I combine for meals:
quinoa, red
specifically, plus tri-color
whole wheat couscous
non-egg pasta:
(some take getting used to) whole wheat flour-based, or corn, rice,
or quinoa
all the usual
legumes (the smaller, the better for me)
So Delicious ice
creams (based on almond, cashew, or soy milks)
Gardein meat-free
foods (chicken, fish, pork) – the pork will blow you away
Flax seeds (brown
and golden) & flaxseed meal
wheat germ
wheat bran
banana flour
hazlenut flour
quinoa flour
almond flour
coconut flour
whole wheat pastry
sorghum flour
tigernut flour
oat flour
… enough on
flour! I became a vegan baker - I prefer
sprouted flours
almond butter
CANOLA , but OK with sunflower, peanut, pumpkin, sesame, olive oils
garbonzo beans
all herbs fresh
(sage, basil, oregano, thyme, rosmary)
coconut oil
all normal veggies
that everyone else eats
soy milk, also
cashew milk and almond milk
chia seeds and poppy
seeds … generously on almost everything
egg replacer
(non-dairy, like Bob's Red Mill or others)
Bob's Red Mill 10
whole grain pancake mix
Bob's Red Mill
buckwheat pancake mix
Bob's Red Mill will
become your best friend!
… there's always The Matrix Diet: